The best virtual data rooms to review are those that are able to provide users with a secure, efficient platform for sharing and storing documents. These services are becoming more popular due to the fact that they can replace physical storage and offer greater transparency, communication, and access control. These services are particularly beneficial for businesses that need to share sensitive information, such as those engaged in M&As due diligence, fundraising, and legal document management. Some of these companies offer advanced analytics, a customized user interface and electronic signatures.

iDeals is one of the top VDRs on the market and offers a simple intuitive interface and an array of features like visual analytics, user and group management, OCR, granular access controls, and customizable watermarking. It also offers a no-cost demo and has an impressive number of clients, such as Good Year, Deloitte, and KPMG.

Firmex is a different top choice and is renowned for its strong capabilities in due diligence. Its intelligent interface allows users to work quickly, and its team of experts provides 24/7 customer service. It gives a two-week free trial, and allows for a custom pricing.

Sharefile is a data room online with a wide range of features that are suited to various industries and business functions. Its security features include access for only viewing and click trails. It also has the option to turn off screenshots and track downloads.